"I'm writing to tell you how well the GX3 is working for us... We had only used the Classic before and had to get used to following the orders of the GX3's automatic mode but it is wonderful. It's incredible how well it performs its calculations[.] [W]e have gotten used to it because the results are excellent.
...Of course, I have recommended it to my colleagues, and I hope they can get this equipment[.] Our biggest challenge was with a McCauley 5-blade propeller for a 1650 Hp engine, but the GX3 just said, ‘No problem, leave it to me’ HAHAHA. The last propeller I worked on in a King 90 was very easy since I've gotten used to the GX3... The optical sensor at 270°, the accelerometer at 0°, and the points to add weight 10° in front of the center of each blade, and the GX3 did it wonderfully... I just wanted to share a bit of my experience[.]” – Eddy Arbizú, Quality Control Manager, LANHSA OMA RAC-145 Airline |
"I was an early adopter of the DynaVibe units. I initially had one of my planes balanced with an old analog unit. I was sold on that improvement alone. When I met Matt at Airventure and saw their affordable digital unit I jumped on board. Over the years I have upgraded with them and now have all the options. Support has been great. Matt even flew up to visit in his EZ to teach me how to use the helicopter blade tracking functions. I highly recommend."
- Matt Byrne |
"We are a very experienced Robinson Helicopter Service Center. We’ve been using a Chadwick 177-series track-and-balance system for about 15 years. It works, but it’s cumbersome, heavy, tricky to use, and requires two people to operate."
"We just bought the DynaVibe GX3 with the DynaTrack helicopter blade tracker. We should have done this years ago! Very user-friendly, small, lightweight, and comes with great documentation and customer support. If you don’t have one, you should get one." - Charlie Duchek, Midwest Helicopter |
"I spent the day yesterday fabricating a good mounting bracket, and then balanced a friend's Thorpe T-18. My friend and I were absolutely stunned at the result! I am not sure what I was expecting, but the result is truly amazing! What a fantastic thing this DynaVibe is. I now have three more friends demanding the same results!" - Mike Melvill, Pilot, SpaceShipOne |
"We recently had the prop overhauled on our RV-3, and that included new blades and some work on the hub—so I expected that we’d need to re-balance it...we borrowed a Dynavibe Classic from a friend, and hooked things up.
Sure enough, we were off by 0.40 IPS on the first try—not horrible, shake your teeth rough, but certainly not where we’d like it. A couple of runs brought us back inside the generic target of 0.10, and since it was cold and starting to rain, we quit at 0.050 IPS. I took her out this morning for the first time since the weather had cleared, and the difference was once again remarkable! It’s the old (probably apocryphal) problem of boiling the frog—if you gradually turn up the heat, it doesn’t know that the temperature is rising. With a slight degradation over time, we don’t realize we are losing balance. Then we reset, and all the smooth magic is back!" - Paul Dye, Editor-in-Chief, Kitplanes Magazine |
"As the Manager of Maintenance at a flight school with over 80 aircraft I am always looking for new ways to make our operation run SMOOTH. RPX Technologies, Inc the maker of the DynaVibe GX3 has really made a fine piece of equipment. The GX3 prop balancing equipment is easy to learn to use and has so many features calling it a prop balancer doesn't do it justice." - Andrew P Wallenstein II, A&P, IA, Pilot |
"Thank you RPX Technologies for making an amazing product! Before balancing the propeller, I placed my hand on the panel and could feel the airplane vibrating during the run-up. After only a SINGLE measurement and weight adjustment to the propeller based upon the readings and recommendations from the DynaVibe propeller balancing system, the vibration was eliminated. I couldn't be happier—the Dynavibe propeller balancing system is easy to use and very effective." - Marc Brockhaus |
"The big enemy of operations like ours is what it costs to keep planes in the air. Long term, we don’t fully know what the maintenance benefits are, but even cutting these costs by just 10% would pay for the DynaVibe system three times over. The pilots were thrilled with how the yoke felt after we balanced an airplane. They noticed a difference immediately."
- Dennis Barker, President, Reynolds Aviation |
"It [DynaVibe] will help pull more business in, I’ll get more work off of it, but the customer gets something too—a measurable difference in the performance of their airplane... I can see a half-per vibration using the DynaVibe, and know that it’s caused by a combustion problem. That information eliminates other vibration sources and narrows it down to the specific problem I need to address. That’s a home run. When servicing an airplane, I don’t need to go down as many rabbit trails."
- Brian Smith, Owner, Stillwater Aircraft Services |
"Wow, I can't believe the difference! I didn't realize how rough my ride was, assuming that much of the vibration was coming straight from the engine. But, when Brian Wallis worked his DynaVibe magic on my prop, the airplane really smoothed out. Cross-country is so much less fatiguing now, and it's obvious that there's less stress on the airplane. Thanks, Brian!" - Elgin Wells, "Starjammer" |
“My RV6 is sooooo much smoother now. Even at the lower RPM's there is a big difference. The run up is so smooth now. The best analogy I can think of is like getting new tires for the car. Even though it did not seem real rough before, afterwards it is so smooth. I think I even gained 30-40 rpm on top end.”
- Mike Norton, KY |
“Our company produces high performance turbine and piston powered aircraft with speeds that easily exceed 300 knots. We needed a precision dynamic prop balancer that was simple, quick, easy to use and affordable. We found that in the DynaVibe. The DynaVibe has now enabled us to extend our business services to include dynamic prop balancing for all propeller driven aircraft.”
- Mike Custard, Advanced Aviation, Inc. |
“With the DynaVibe you can eliminate annoying and destructive vibration and keep your aircraft almost as smooth as a turbine. I've found the unit to be very easy to use and well worth the remarkably low price. Control surface hinges, instruments, engine components, comfort level, etc. all benefit from a balanced engine/prop/spinner and at this price you no longer have to hire a professional every time you want to dynamically balance your prop. The DynaVibe staff has been extraordinarily helpful in answering any questions I've had. Highly recommended.”
-Mike Stirewalt, KSEE |
"We own and maintain two Beechcraft Starships and prior to purchasing your product, we paid an outside vendor to balance the props. We purchased the Dynavibe GX2 and it’s the easiest vibe analysis tool I’ve personally used. By following the easy step-by-step, on-screen instructions, we were able to achieve a 0.02 IPS in just three short runs. I would highly recommend this product to anyone that owns a prop driven aircraft, or to any Certified Repair Station for the time saving and simplicity of this unit."
-David Bedenbaugh, Aerospace Quality R&D |
"I have used the DynaVibe multiple times to adjust the Robinson R22 track and balance of the main blades, balance the scroll/squirrel cage fan and balance the tail rotor. I actually got the tail rotor to 0.00 IPS with the DynaVibe. It is very easy to set up. I love the option of being able to take multiple readings per ground run and in-flight checks. Keeping the track and balance correct ensures good reliability of all components on the helicopter. This is a great instrument; I’m very satisfied over all.” -Mark Young, Tropic Airpower |
"The difference the balancing procedure has made allows the flying experience to be so much more enjoyable. The comfort level without the vibration is so much better with the added benefit of less engine/airframe wear and I think even the cabin noise has reduced." -Lonnie Prince, CEO/President, Prince Aircraft Company |