Absolute Aero, with its team of experienced, FAA-licensed A&P and IA mechanics, specializes in maintaining, upgrading, and inspecting a broad range of single and multi-engine aircraft. Working from the Hayward Executive Airport (KHWD), the company uses a DynaVibe GX3 to provide dynamic balancing services to its customers, keeping the revenue in house for these procedures that they used to send out to a prop shop. In fact, the difficulty scheduling work through the local prop shop provided Brandon Thompson with motivation to purchase DynaVibe. “We'd always used our local propeller shop but it was too hard to schedule them when we needed them and that's why we looked into buying our own equipment.” Absolute Aero now uses DynaVibe on a regular basis, balancing a prop on average every month. DynaVibe makes dynamic propeller balancing easy. “It is intuitive, and if you just do what it says and you let it find its own solution, it does work very well,” said Thompson. In addition to making the balancing process simple, the DynaVibe GX3 streamlines the process as well through its automatic weight solution calculation feature: “There have been times where it has taken six or seven runs to get it nailed down, but a lot of times it's one or two runs and we nail it down right away.” Thompson’s experience validates industry data that many general aviation aircraft – up to 80% – are flying around with out-of-balance props. Because of the prevalence of unbalanced props, Absolute Aero’s customers feel a difference after balancing with DynaVibe. “I actually balanced one and the owner didn't know that we had done it. He came in after flying it and he's like, ‘you must have balanced it, because it's a whole new airplane!’ We enjoy using it. When you are able to let DynaVibe process what's actually happening and follow it to the solution, it does very well.”