Many repair stations and service centers are using DynaVibe to offer prop balancing and vibration analysis services, adding a nice revenue stream to their bottom line and a valuable service to their customers. We’ve shared some of their stories on this blog: KSFB Aircraft Maintenance Center, Stillwater Aircraft Services, Base Leg Aviation and Skywest Aviation to name just a few. We’ve collected some insight from listening to how our MRO customers are using DynaVibe to let us share the good, better and best ways to use DynaVibe to boost service revenues, grow your business and create happier customers in the process. Here is what we have learned: Good
Simply adding “Dynamic Propeller Balancing” services to your menu of service offerings is a good thing. You’ll gain some business specifically because some customers need their propellers balanced, and when they learn you offer these services, they'll come to you for them. Promoting the fact that you offer prop balancing and vibration analysis (something the DynaVibe GX2 can do) will generate some new service revenue for you. While this approach will generate some service revenue, it is a passive approach as it depends on the customer seeking a provider of these services. Better A better approach is to recognize that many owners and pilots don’t realize their prop could be out of balance, or that they have a vibration. Paul Dye, editor-in-chief of Kitplanes Magazine, in a recent article wrote of this phenomenon of not realizing that over time, vibrations gradually creep in and grow, but go unnoticed. We covered this phenomenon if a recent blog post, and we regularly hear from those who are amazed at how smooth their airplane is after balancing. A better approach therefore is to ask every customer that comes in if they want their prop balanced while their airplane is in for service. A surprising number of them will say “yes” particularly when they understand the benefits. Best The best approach, the one that serves the MRO and owner or pilot best, is to use DynaVibe to complete a free baseline vibration survey on every airplane that comes into the shop. If there is a vibration, whether propeller imbalance induced or caused by something else, the vibration survey will show it. DynaVibe produces reports that the MRO can share with a customer that show the magnitude and type of vibrations that exist. When made aware of this information, most customers will want to have these vibrations resolved, and they often are through dynamic prop balancing. Furthermore, the vibration survey is a great preventative maintenance tool, providing a historical record to compare to a new vibration survey the next time that airplane comes into the shop. Repair stations, service centers and mechanics can maximize their service revenue using the “Best” approach with DynaVibe. Furthermore, service revenue opportunities beyond prop balancing and vibration analysis exist. Ascutney Air uses its DynaVibe system to also offer airplane tire balancing services as well. To increase your service revenue with DynaVibe, visit our online store to buy your system. If you have questions about how DynaVibe works or how to use it, please get in touch with us at [email protected], by telephone at 405.896.0026 or enter your email address by clicking on the yellow "Contact Us" tab near the bottom of this page and we’ll contact you. |