DynaVibe is an effective tool for dynamic propeller balancing and vibration analysis. For A&P mechanics, shops and service centers, DynaVibe is also an excellent tool for boosting customer satisfaction and service revenue. It’s not hard to understand the customer value proposition of balancing and vibration analysis – a quick scan of the DynaVibe customer testimonial page confirms the difference flying with a balanced prop assembly makes. Unlike other service procedures, fixing an unbalanced prop or a complex vibration makes a difference customers can feel. So it is with vibration analysis. Customers that have simply lived with annoying (and damaging) vibrations are grateful when mechanics are able to isolate and fix them. And they should be: vibrations are harmful, with the potential to damage the engine, instruments and airframe. Resolving complex vibrations extend the life of the aircraft. Shops, service centers and the mechanics have become a significant segment of the DynaVibe user population. We’ve profiled some of them in recent case studies, such as Skywest Aviation and Ascutney Air and a common theme is emerging: these businesses are using DynaVibe to deliver better service, resulting in more satisfied customers and increased revenues. It’s a scenario where everyone wins. Adding DynaVibe to the services mix that a shop or service center provides has the following benefits:
This video shows how DynaVibe delivers these benefits to the shops and service centers that use it: To learn more about how your shop or service center can boost profits and customer satisfaction by using DynaVibe, contact us at 405.896.0026 or [email protected].